教师发展行动研究 第一季 经典阅读-How to teach English 2
■2-1:描述优秀的学习者为什么很难?(Why is it difficult to describe a good learner?)
◆考虑众多因素(many factors need to be taken into account);
◆难以评估涉及的因素(difficult to assess the factors involved);
◆优秀学习者的特质(the qualities of good learners);
→学习经历?(learning experiences);
→学习方法?(study method)
→练习时间?(practising hours)
→是否完成作业?(doing homework)
【会心之处】: 每一个来到你课堂的学生,都不是白纸一张,他们带着不同的印迹和背景,参与到某一节课或者某一个课程的学习,在这个过程中,他们的教育背景,学习经历,家庭背景,自我管理甚至周围的同伴,都会深深地影响他们的学习效果。语言学习成功者,很难用相同的标准去评价他们,但他们身上,的确共有一些相似的特质。
■2-2:学习动机的重要性(How important is the students’motivation?)
→学习人员高度的学习动机是成功的根本原因(highly motivated)
◆学习的欲望来自于热爱和比较务实的原因(love and practical reason);
→对语言的热情(feeling most warmly about a language);
→渴望融入其文化中(integrating into the culture);
◆融入性动机比工具性动机更加有力量(integrative motivation is more powerful than instrumental movtivation);
◆较高学习动机的学生表现更好(highly motivated students do better);
◆教师要激发学生对于学科的兴趣和参与度(provoking interest and involvement in the subject);
→教师以自身的态度、责任心、幽默感和认真负责影响学生(attitudes,conscientiousness,humor and seriousness);
→教师以自身的行为和热情激发学生(behavior and enthusiasm);
◆真正的学习动机来自于学生的内心(real motivation comes from within each individual);
■2-3:谁该为学习负责?(Who is responsible for learning?)
◆优秀学习者时刻准备为自己的学习负责(taking responsibility for their own learning);
◆优秀的学习者不会等着老师来教(don’t just wait to be taught);
◆掌控学习(taking charge of learning);
◆学习是师生之间的一种合作关系(partnership between teachers and students);
◆鼓励学生的自主性(encouraging student autonomy);
→任务在学生的能力范围内(within students’ grasp);
→任务未占用太多或太少时间(not taking up too much or too little time);
◆关键点:对学生自身的学习期望保持敏感并相应采取行动( being sensitive to their own expectations of learning and acting accordingly);
■2-4:优秀课堂学习者的共有特征(what characteristics do good classroom learners share?)
◆乐意听讲(a willingness to listen);
◆乐意实验(a willingness to experiment);
→无惧“试一把”(not afraid to “have a go”);
→时刻准备冒险(prepared to take risks);
◆乐意提问(a willingness to ask questions);
◆乐意思考如何学习(a willingness to think about how to learn);
◆乐意接受纠正(a willingness to accept correction);
→学生期待获得反馈(keen to get feedback);
→教师提供建设性批评(offering constructive criticism);
■2-5:成年学习者教学的特别之处(what’s special about teaching adults?)
◆成年学习者带着较长的学习经历进入课堂,这些学习经历会让他们对教和学产生刻板印象(a long history of learning experience)
→每次失败易引发更多的失败(each failure predisposes them to more failure);
→每次成功易激发更多成功的愿望(each success provokes the hope of more success);
◆成年学习者对学习更焦虑(more nervous of learning);
◆教授青少年:易于失控(easy to lose control);
→和邻桌说话(talking to neighbors);
→大声地对教学内容表示不赞同(disagreeing vocally with teachers);
→将生活经历带入课堂(bringing life experience to classroom);
→认识到学习的重要性(having a view of the importance of learning);
→更易合作(more immediate cooperation);
→易于倦怠(suffering from boredom in class);
→适宜更加轻松的学习风格(responding well to a lighter style of learning);
◆保持平衡:严肃的学习和轻松的活动(balance between serious and more entertaining activities);
■2-6:不同的学习水平(what are the different levels?)
◆伪初学者(false beginners):不会使用英语,但对英语了解很多;
◆初级水平(elementary students):能够进行基本的沟通,不具备中级水平的能力;
◆中级水平(intermediate students):具备听、说、读、写的基本能力;
◆中上级水平(upper intermediate):具备中级水平的语言能力,具备一定的语法建构知识和技能运用能力;
◆高级水平(advanced students):阅读原版的事实材料和小说,能够流畅地和本族语说话者沟通;
◆教授初学者(teaching beginners):
→教学易成功(success is easy to see);
→教学有乐趣(teaching is great fun);
◆教授中级水平者(teaching intermediate students):
→教学不易看到成功(success is not to perceive);
→高原效应,进步缓慢,效果不显著(plateau effect);
→任务设置应更具挑战性(making the tasks more challenging);
→分析语言应更透彻(analyzing language more thoroughly);
→目标设置要明确(setting clear goals for students);
◆教授高级水平者(teaching advanced students):
→仍然面临高原效应(danger of plateau effect);
→创设班级文化氛围(creating a classroom culture);
→证明学生一直在取得进步(providing good clear evidence of progress);
→关注学生语言使用风格和对于语言得体性、言外之意和推断的感知力(concentrating on style and perception of appropriacy,connotation and inference);
→鼓励学生对于更多地为自己的学习负责(encouraging students to take more and more responsibility for their own learning);
■2-7:不同水平学生的英语教学(how should we teach the different levels?)
◆初学者:发音训练,简单的介绍性对话练习(pronunciation practice and simple introduction dialogues);
◆高级水平者:散文写作,正式辩论(discursive essay writing and formal debating);
→对于初学者,教师会使用夸张的语音语调及动作来帮助学生学习(exaggerating voice tone and gesture);
教师发展行动研究 第一季 经典阅读-How to teach English(02)
教师发展行动研究 第一季 经典阅读-How to teach English(02)
教师发展行动研究 第一季 经典阅读-How to teach English(02)
教师发展行动研究 第一季 经典阅读-How to teach English(02)