岁次癸卯仲夏,文成四载春秋。如今又到了凤凰花开的时节,“叶如飞凰之羽,花若丹凤之冠”,毕业季如凤凰花绽放,舞动其花瓣,洋溢鲜红,伴随淡淡黄晕,毕业生们在曾经的校园里参加毕业典礼、校长为其拨穗、与好友合影、欢笑声荡漾整个校园。图源:新华社让我们通过一系列的中华思想文化术语,体悟毕业季之后的坚守与无畏。凤凰花开,永远灿烂绽放。中英文内容来自中华思想文化术语传播工程核心成果——《中华思想文化术语》丛书。赤子之心Utter Innocence本义指婴儿未经世俗染污的纯洁心灵,也指成年人仍然保有的婴儿般的赤诚真心,那种在功利世界里仍能坚守的初心。它既是古人推崇的理想人格的一种表征,也是文艺作品中美好人物形象塑造的一种类型。This term refers to the pure heart and soul of a newborn babe, untainted by worldly affairs. Most often, it refers to adults who retain the utter innocence of an infant, holding themselves aloof from worldly goals. The term promotes an ideal personality worshiped by ancient Chinese and represents a laudable type of character often portrayed in literary works.▌引例大人者,不失其赤子之心者也。 He who is capable of retaining a childlike heart is a truly virtuous man. .为己之学Learning for Self-improvement以自我修养为目的的学问。儒家将“学”作为一种成就道德生命的方式。“学”是一个自我修养的过程,是“为己”的。“学”并不是为了向他人展示自己的学问或德行,以获取外在的利益。The term refers to learning for the purpose of self-cultivation. Confucian scholars view learning as a means of improving our moral life. Learning is a process for self-cultivation and is practiced for our own good. The pursuit of learning is not to make a show of our knowledge or virtuous conduct in return for benefit. ▌引例子曰:“古之学者为己,今之学者为人。” Confucius said: “People in ancient times learned to cultivate their own moral character.People today learn to impress others.” 日 新Constant Renewal天天更新。努力使自身不断更新,使民众、社会、国家不断更新,持续进步、完善,始终呈现新的气象。它是贯穿在“修齐治平”各层面的一种自强不息、不断革新进取的精神。
This term refers to an ongoing process of self-renewal, which also brings new life to the people, society, and the nation. This process features continuous progress and improvement. It represents a tenacious and innovative spirit that permeates all levels of “self-cultivation, family regulation, state governance, bringing peace to all under heaven.”
▌引例汤之盘铭曰:“苟日新,日日新,又日新。” “If we can improve ourselves in one day, we should do so every day, and keep building on improvement,” reads the inscription on the bathtub of Tang. (The Book of Rites)见贤思齐When Seeing a Person of High Caliber, Strive to Be His Equal.遇见有德才的人,就要想着努力向他看齐。其主旨在于鼓励人们善于发现他人长处,激发内心的自觉,主动向道德、学问、技能等比自己强的人学习看齐,从而不断进步。它体现了中华民族一心向善、积极进取、自强不息的精神。This term means that when you see a person of high caliber, you should try to emulate and equal the person. The main point of this term is to encourage people to discover the strengths of others and take initiative to learn from those who are stronger than themselves in terms of moral qualities, knowledge, and skills so as to make constant progress. The term embodies the Chinese nation’s spirit for good, enterprise, and tenacious self-renewal. ▌引例子曰:“见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也。” Confucius said, “When you see a person of virtue and capability, you should think of emulating and equaling the person; when you see a person of low caliber, you should reflect on your own weak points.”